Greetings, I think I have something to offer the world...a new Perl module
that makes retrieving useful RSS content easier. Instead of using
XML::Parser-based code, which chokes on the impure XML created by the
world at large, it uses "relaxed" algorithms. Using the content cataloged
at XMLTREE as a test case, I was able to harvest more than twice as many
links than I could using XML::RSS.

You can take a peek at the module and a sample program using it at:

I appreciate your feedback.
---scott thomason

=== Info ===

Name        : Scott Thomason
Email       :
Website     :
UserID      : SCOTTHOM

CPAN desc   : XML::RSSLite   bdpf   
Extract broken XML from RSS/RDF/SN/WL format

Background  : After recently reading about XML::RSS, I decided to give it a
try. Several hours later, I was still only capable of extracting about 40%
of the open content cataloged at I realized that the
majority of open content syndicators are not very good at writing valid RSS

My goal is to write a module that extracts all the open content that is
available, and be much less concerned about XML compliance. This module
currently parses all but a handful of the XML URLs cataloged at Rather than rely on XML::Parser, it uses heuristics and good
old-fashioned Perl regular expressions. It stores the data in a simple
hash structure, and "aliases" certain tags so that when done, you can
count on having the minimal data necessary for re-constructing a valid
RSS file. This means you get the basic title, description, and link for a
channel and its items. Anything else present in the hash is a bonus :)

This module extracts more usable links by parsing "scriptingNews" and
"weblog" formats in addition to RDF & RSS. It also "sanitizes" the
output for best results. The munging includes:

- Removing html tags to leave plain text
- Eliminating objectionable characters
- Using <url> tags when <link> is empty
- Using misplaced urls in <title> when <link> is empty 
- Ripping links from <a href=...> if required   
- Limiting content to http/ftp links
- Joining relative urls to the site base

In the near future I plan to strengthen the weblog parsing, and add a
routine to generate valid RSS output from the result hash via XML::RSS. I
hope to hear back from Jonathan Eisenzopf soon to get his feedback on
integration with XML::RSS, if any.